Ensoft, Inc., the Ensoft, Inc. logo, all other images, all software, and all source code on this website is copyrighted © 1996-2013 by Ensoft, Inc. and may not be copied or altered without permission.

The user is not entitled to copy any of ENSOFT, INC.'s software products unless copying for backup purposes. The user may not loan, rent, lease, or transfer any of ENSOFT, INC.'s software to any other person, company, or location. ENSOFT, INC.'s software, documentations, and website contents are copyrighted materials and should be treated like any other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or musical recording). All products are protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Copyright Treaty.


All contents of this site were produced in the Unites States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this site may be reproduced, translated, or distributed without the prior written approval of ENSOFT, INC.

Although ENSOFT, INC.'s software products have been used with apparent success in many analyses, new information is developed continuosly and new or updated versions may be written from time to time. All users are requested to inform ENSOFT, INC. immediately of any possible errors that are found in the coding of our software products. As modifications, updates, or new versions are produced, the latest codes are posted on ENSOFT’s web site and made available to all visitors for free downloading.

No warranty, expressed or implied, is offered as to the accuracy of results from ENSOFT, INC.'s software products. The software products should not be used for design unless caution is exercised in interpreting the results and independent calculations are available to verify the general correctness of the results. Users are assumed to be knowledgeable of the information in the printed documentation that are distributed with the digital media. Users are assumed to recognize that the input parameters, eg., soil properties, increment length, tolerance on solution convergence, and many others, can have a significant effect on the solution and must be chosen carefully. Users should have a thorough understanding of the relevant theoretical criteria (appropriate references are suggested in the software documentation).


Click on the link below to open a PDF file with the License Agreement & Disclaimer for all Ensoft products.
Ensoft License Agreement and Disclaimer (29KB)

The link below provides a PDF file with the Maintenance Agreement for all Ensoft products.
Ensoft Maintenance Agreement (38KB)

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